Video Of Fashion Show In Trinidad Church: Anglican Bishop Apologizes

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Trinidad: Anglican Bishop begs for forgiveness over fashion show held in church, Church to inves­ti­gate

Thefamousnaija shared a viral video of bikini/swimsuit Fashion show that held inside a church in Trinidad. The video had sparked outrage across the world, even in Nigeria. 

Now, Bish­op of the An­gli­can Dio­cese of T&T, Rev Claude Berkley has ‘strong­ly con­demned’ the de­pic­tion of scant­i­ly-clad mod­els in the Trin­i­ty Cathe­dral over the past week­end, say­ing it was out of or­der.

He is­sued a pub­lic apol­o­gy to the An­gli­can com­mu­ni­ty, all re­li­gious or­gan­i­sa­tions, faith groups and the gen­er­al pub­lic over the em­bar­rass­ing three-night fash­ion show host­ed by Style­week Port-of-Spain.

“On this oc­ca­sion, we clear­ly missed the mark and we are deeply sor­ry! We, there­fore, seek your for­give­ness as we move for­ward in pro­claim­ing the good news of the King­dom of God,” he said.

“In­deed, the de­pic­tion of scant­i­ly clad mod­els parad­ing along the aisle of the church of­fend­ed in­di­vid­ual and col­lec­tive sen­si­bil­i­ties lo­cal­ly and in­ter­na­tion­al­ly. Let me state cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly that such a pa­rade is com­plete­ly out of or­der, in­ap­pro­pri­ate and is strong­ly con­demned. Our church has host­ed fash­ion shows in the past and we have nev­er come to this sad de­te­ri­o­ra­tion of re­spect and mod­esty,” he said in a state­ment yes­ter­day.

Meanwhile, the Bishop promised an in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to the event and said ap­pro­pri­ate mea­sures will be tak­en to en­sure it does not hap­pen again.

Watch the video 

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